Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Disney CP Entertainment Auditions!

I just recently auditioned in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this past Saturday 10/8/11. It was an awesome experience! There were about 95 of us cramped into a small room. We all sat down and the casting director and choreographer talked to us about the audition process. The two ladies were super nice and helpful towards any questions we had. They told us that everyone would start out as fur characters and to not expect to get a face character or dance position right away because very few cp's get them since we are down there for such a short amount of time. We then filled out an application asking basic information and got into a line. We were given a number and our photo and height were taken. I was number 53 and my height was 4'll (perfect mouse height) We were told it would take 2-3 weeks to find out. I know some other groups were told that only 150 people would make it out of 1500-2000.

We started out learning a 6-8 8 count dance that consisted of a few technical dance steps that could be confusing if you have not danced before other than that it was step claps and jumps. Just smile. We learned the dance and practiced for about 40 minutes. We then began to practice animation which was "a day at the beach" and the ladies gave us a few pointers to help us out. Auditions went by groups of 4 so I had a wait. When we went in the room, we danced twice and the choreographer did it with us. Then we did animation for about a minute. Simple as pie :)

Counting down the days to get out of Ohio.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Join me in my Journey!

I have never blogged before besides xanga, so I decided I will give it a try to keep my friends and family updated on my life while I'm down there. Sorry if I don't update often.

I have wanted to work in Disney World from the first time I went there. My parents took my sisters and I almost every year. So I have a small obsession to say the least. I applied into the Disney college program on September 11 and passed the web-based interview. I scheduled my phone interview September 19, it only lasted 12 minutes long and I did not have much hope! But I was accepted 2 days later on the 21st into the Disney World college program spring advantage 2012 for attractions! Yes, I'm excited and yes I'm still freaking out weeks later. I will be leaving January 18th 2011-August 3rd. I will be missing the snow storms here in Ohio. Unfortunately, I still have 3 months left of school and work. I just want to start buying stuff for my apartment and packing, but I'll refrain myself as much as possible. I have found 7 other girls I will be rooming with who seem wonderful! I have never lived on my own so it is going to be an experience for sure. Hopefully I will be living in Chatham 4 bedroom non wellness.

I have an audition to get into entertainment there this Saturday in Pittsburgh, so say a little prayer for me. I'm hoping since I'm short and a dancer that I will magically get accepted into that program but if not I hope to work on the Great Movie Ride in MGM. Either way, it will be an amazing opportunity and learning experience for me.

I still can not believe I will be moving to Florida for 7 months and will be going to the parks for free everyday of my life. Good luck to those of you that are still waiting for your acceptance letter and good luck to those of you that have yet to apply!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney