Saturday, February 18, 2012

Making magical moments for everyone that I meet....

whether as myself or as some one else that I may be portraying. Either way, I want to be an positive impact  with anyone and everyone I come in contact with. I will find out if I work at "one more Disney Day" this week. It's where the park is open for 24 hours!! How fun to be part of!

Today is my Disney Anniversary. I have been here for exactly one month today. This experience so far has been such a great learning experience for me even if it's just life lessons. Those are the ones to be learned. I have met so many people that work for Disney, some are very pleasant, some are not so nice to be around. But the thing with Disney, is that you keep a smile no matter what. I am in the Happiest Place on Earth. Even after the 12, 16 hour shifts and the 8-10 shifts that we have, the sweat, the aches, the sleepiness. You keep going because you have a show to put on for the guests who have come here from around the world to see the castle, or mickey mouse for the first time, or to watch the shows of shows. Everyone has a part to play. And I'm lucky enough to be part of it for a short time. I miss my family and friends and work but 7 months out of the rest of my life doesnt seem like that much time.

Today I encountered a "make a wish" guest. I have had a few so far. These children and families are so brave and strong. Disney is so amazing to give them this once in a lifetime experience for them. After 8 sets that day, and 10 hours, I was ready to go home. My neck hurt, I was tired and hungry.  Then this little girl around 7 or 8 years old I met today was wearing a Minnie Mouse baseball cap who had suffered through chemo recently came waking up to me. She was noticeably skinny but the smile lit up her whole body. Her mom said she was looking around all day to meet Minnie Mouse. I wish someone would have taken a picture of me at the time. I think I was happier to see her than she was to see me. Here I was complaining about how bad I wanted the day to be over and here she is waiting to see me after all the troubles life has thrown her way.I can't imagine the pain and problems that she had endured but I think she did it with a positive outlook on life just the way she glowed. She was polite as ever and gave me the best hug. This little girl reminded me why my job is amazing and how with just a simple hug, I can make someones day or week or even month. It's something they will treasure for the rest of their lives. I get the opportunity to make peoples dreams come true every day.

Some little girl colored this for me!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes the biggest lessons in life come from the smallest people around us. You are obviously keeping your mind, your eyes and your heart open -- that is how you learn the important stuff. Good job, and thanks for sharing with the rest of us!
