Thursday, February 2, 2012

The magic continues...

Hello All! Sorry that I suck at this blogging thing. I have been crazy busy. The schedule so far has been pretty constant. Good hours, but very tiring. I still absolutely love it here. My days are all jumbled so my thursday seems like a saturday. But the schedules always crazy. Some weeks I will work weekends and others I wont. Just depends on what you receive.

I have worked in Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom so far and both are excellent. Everyone is so helpful to new people. I meet new faces every day which is good and bad. I never work with the same group of people like in other jobs. The other day I was scheduled for 11 hours and ended up working 15!!! From 6:15 am to 9 pm. But all my work days go by so fast because I'm always busy and having fun. It gets hot and tiring at times, and there are times that I'm sore but its so worth it at the end of the day. My job makes me feel accomplished. Especially when I'm able to make magical moments for kids with special needs or the middle aged woman that starts to cry when she is in Disney. Those are the moments that I live for. I am so lucky to love my jobs.

Honestly besides work, their is never a dull moment. I don't know what the work bored means anymore. There are so many things to do here and there is always someone to hang out with, bonus of having 5 roomies. I love the roommates, we have already gotten so close. I think I wouldnt have as good of time if I didnt have them. Their is always a park, outlets, clubs to go to no matter what day of the week. I have only been here for two weeks but it seems much longer. I'm all settled in.

Well tomorrow is an early day and I need dinner. thanks for reading and all of your support :)

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