Monday, January 23, 2012

love for disney.

There are so many secrets of Disney in Entertainment. Being part of the Disney family now requires me to keep up their integrity as well. So So sorry to any of you if I had to delete your post or comments. I need to start changing my account settings and going through friends list.

Today was an extra long day at training 830-630. It was rough but still a lot of fun. I learned so much from my trainers. We were able to see what exactly we will be doing. Unfortunately I can spare any details on here. But it was awesome experiencing everything first hand. If you ever get to go on a disney tour, DO IT! It makes Disney even more magical! My job is so cool. I go to work with no make up, hair up in a pony and sweats. best job ever. ANDD I got to meet Dale today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss my family especially Teddy :( But I'm enjoying every second of being here. My roomie lauren made us dinner today and it was better than all the frozen skillet meals that I have been eating lately.

It's 78 degrees here and sunny. I am able to go swimming at 10 pm. Yes, be jealous you Ohioans!.


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