Friday, January 20, 2012

"It's Tradition!"

Sorry to be posting so soon, I just wanted to update everyone on my day at Traditions! Which is like training for all new Disney CAST MEMBERS! ( Employers) We had to wear professional business clothes. The whole class was around 4 hours. Had to be at the bus stop around 6:45 am, started at 8:00 and didnt get done til about 12:30 pm. Our trainers were so nice and fun. Everything in Disney is upbeat and always entertaining. They went over the history of disney, normal standards, safety procedures and a tour of the undergrounds of the Magic Kingdom called the Utilidoors! Magic Kingdom is on the second level, they have a whole underground system where the trash gets taken away, cast members enter and deliveries get brought in. It was genius. Walt thought of everything. The traditions class really got me excited for what I'm going to be a part of, Disney makes peoples dreams come true and go out of their way to do so! I am one lucky girl to be part of such an amazing company and family. I get to make families dreams come true just like Disney did for me and my family as well. I finally received my name tag and Disney employee card to get into the parks for FREE and Discounts :)

This is Disney University where the cast members go to train

To the up left is my housing Id, then the upper right is my Disney Cast Member Id and the bottom had my name tag!

Tomorrow I begin my training for entertainment at 8:30-5! It will be a long but rewarding day. Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey with me.

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