Monday, January 23, 2012

"Welcome to Entertainment"

I had my first real training class for entertainment, it was amazing. It was from 830-5, but we were able to explore magic kingdom and watch a show in front of the castle. The entertainment class was actually incredibly fun. We did some self learning on the computers and a lot of basic information. I can't wait to be part of changing peoples lives through Disney and making their dreams come true for the young and the old. I love it here so far. The people are amazing, and I have amazing roomies. I really believe that God has brought me here for a specific purpose. I'm hoping I will have plenty of cherished memories and touch a lot of people through my actions.

 Yesterday after the class we all went to Magic Kingdom. It's still so awesome to walk down main street and ride the monorail as a guest.I could go to Disney a million times and still get the chills when I see the castle. I had today off thankfully, it was so pretty. We all went to Hollywood Studios and rode Tower of Terror and Rock and Roller Coaster.

I bought a OSU Disney pin! Hope to find a steeler one too!This week will be very long but exciting. I have training from 8-5ish Monday-Thursday and my first shift is Friday. & then next week I only have a day off. Busy Busy Busy. But I'm sure I will love it. I will be sure to put a video up of my apartment soon :)

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