Thursday, January 19, 2012

first few days!

So I arrived on January 17th at 11 am with my brother in law who helped me drive. It was 16 hours long! We went and saw the area, drove around to get acquainted with the area, then I dropped him off around 3.  I finally met my roomies. There are 5 of them: Brenda, Amanda, Lauren, Audrey and Cheryl. They are all so sweet. I'm very lucky to have such laidback nice roomies. We got up the next morning on the 18th around 5 am and got to check in around 6. The line was long and we waited forever to register, get room key, and for the bus to casting.We got the 3 bedroom apt in Chatham which is very nice and spacious. I will post a video later. Casting was next, I was on the 10 am bus and we didn't get done til noon. The day dragged. The building at casting was so pretty. We stood in line and got our assignment.  I am very lucky and so privileged to get such an exciting role. So at casting, it was just a lot of waiting and giving them your on boarding paperwork. We did fingerprints and direct deposit and disney look as well. Then we got back to the check in place, Vista Way and drove our cars to our new home and moved everything in! The apartment is so hotttt. The air conditioner is capped at 72 degrees.  Bring a fan!!!! Chatham is about 10 minutes from Vista Way. But the apartment is spacious and wonderful. We had to go to a house welcome meeting for about an hour and a half where they talked about security, rules and maintenance. It was pretty boring but necessary. We then went back to the apartment and finished settling in. We ordered pizza, it was the longest day everrr. Luckily we had the next day off and shopped! We needed so much stuff. I ended up spending around $130.00 on food and random accessories for the apt. We needed a fan and bathroom stuff. I suggest bringing a Bath mat, and a plastic bath mat to put in the shower. But tomorrow is Traditions where we learn about disney history and take a tour of the undergrounds. We have to be in the Disney look. Bus stop around 6:30 am. So Good night. Miss all your Ohioans friends and family! <3

1 comment:

  1. Becca! I'm so glad you got here safe. I'm taking it you have a car then? When you get settled let me know if there is anything you need. I'll be gone Feb 5-Mar 1 but I hope to see you sometime soon :) I might be trying to get a job there too to be friends with some characters, we shall see!
