Monday, January 23, 2012

love for disney.

There are so many secrets of Disney in Entertainment. Being part of the Disney family now requires me to keep up their integrity as well. So So sorry to any of you if I had to delete your post or comments. I need to start changing my account settings and going through friends list.

Today was an extra long day at training 830-630. It was rough but still a lot of fun. I learned so much from my trainers. We were able to see what exactly we will be doing. Unfortunately I can spare any details on here. But it was awesome experiencing everything first hand. If you ever get to go on a disney tour, DO IT! It makes Disney even more magical! My job is so cool. I go to work with no make up, hair up in a pony and sweats. best job ever. ANDD I got to meet Dale today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss my family especially Teddy :( But I'm enjoying every second of being here. My roomie lauren made us dinner today and it was better than all the frozen skillet meals that I have been eating lately.

It's 78 degrees here and sunny. I am able to go swimming at 10 pm. Yes, be jealous you Ohioans!.


"Welcome to Entertainment"

I had my first real training class for entertainment, it was amazing. It was from 830-5, but we were able to explore magic kingdom and watch a show in front of the castle. The entertainment class was actually incredibly fun. We did some self learning on the computers and a lot of basic information. I can't wait to be part of changing peoples lives through Disney and making their dreams come true for the young and the old. I love it here so far. The people are amazing, and I have amazing roomies. I really believe that God has brought me here for a specific purpose. I'm hoping I will have plenty of cherished memories and touch a lot of people through my actions.

 Yesterday after the class we all went to Magic Kingdom. It's still so awesome to walk down main street and ride the monorail as a guest.I could go to Disney a million times and still get the chills when I see the castle. I had today off thankfully, it was so pretty. We all went to Hollywood Studios and rode Tower of Terror and Rock and Roller Coaster.

I bought a OSU Disney pin! Hope to find a steeler one too!This week will be very long but exciting. I have training from 8-5ish Monday-Thursday and my first shift is Friday. & then next week I only have a day off. Busy Busy Busy. But I'm sure I will love it. I will be sure to put a video up of my apartment soon :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

"It's Tradition!"

Sorry to be posting so soon, I just wanted to update everyone on my day at Traditions! Which is like training for all new Disney CAST MEMBERS! ( Employers) We had to wear professional business clothes. The whole class was around 4 hours. Had to be at the bus stop around 6:45 am, started at 8:00 and didnt get done til about 12:30 pm. Our trainers were so nice and fun. Everything in Disney is upbeat and always entertaining. They went over the history of disney, normal standards, safety procedures and a tour of the undergrounds of the Magic Kingdom called the Utilidoors! Magic Kingdom is on the second level, they have a whole underground system where the trash gets taken away, cast members enter and deliveries get brought in. It was genius. Walt thought of everything. The traditions class really got me excited for what I'm going to be a part of, Disney makes peoples dreams come true and go out of their way to do so! I am one lucky girl to be part of such an amazing company and family. I get to make families dreams come true just like Disney did for me and my family as well. I finally received my name tag and Disney employee card to get into the parks for FREE and Discounts :)

This is Disney University where the cast members go to train

To the up left is my housing Id, then the upper right is my Disney Cast Member Id and the bottom had my name tag!

Tomorrow I begin my training for entertainment at 8:30-5! It will be a long but rewarding day. Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey with me.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

first few days!

So I arrived on January 17th at 11 am with my brother in law who helped me drive. It was 16 hours long! We went and saw the area, drove around to get acquainted with the area, then I dropped him off around 3.  I finally met my roomies. There are 5 of them: Brenda, Amanda, Lauren, Audrey and Cheryl. They are all so sweet. I'm very lucky to have such laidback nice roomies. We got up the next morning on the 18th around 5 am and got to check in around 6. The line was long and we waited forever to register, get room key, and for the bus to casting.We got the 3 bedroom apt in Chatham which is very nice and spacious. I will post a video later. Casting was next, I was on the 10 am bus and we didn't get done til noon. The day dragged. The building at casting was so pretty. We stood in line and got our assignment.  I am very lucky and so privileged to get such an exciting role. So at casting, it was just a lot of waiting and giving them your on boarding paperwork. We did fingerprints and direct deposit and disney look as well. Then we got back to the check in place, Vista Way and drove our cars to our new home and moved everything in! The apartment is so hotttt. The air conditioner is capped at 72 degrees.  Bring a fan!!!! Chatham is about 10 minutes from Vista Way. But the apartment is spacious and wonderful. We had to go to a house welcome meeting for about an hour and a half where they talked about security, rules and maintenance. It was pretty boring but necessary. We then went back to the apartment and finished settling in. We ordered pizza, it was the longest day everrr. Luckily we had the next day off and shopped! We needed so much stuff. I ended up spending around $130.00 on food and random accessories for the apt. We needed a fan and bathroom stuff. I suggest bringing a Bath mat, and a plastic bath mat to put in the shower. But tomorrow is Traditions where we learn about disney history and take a tour of the undergrounds. We have to be in the Disney look. Bus stop around 6:30 am. So Good night. Miss all your Ohioans friends and family! <3